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My name is Lea.

As a Practicum Student Therapist in Toronto, I am here to help you with Free and Low Cost Therapy to navigate anxiety, self esteem, anger, and negative self talk.

Lea Harari

Toronto Practicum Student Therapist


Session Cost & Information



First 5 sessions free. Subsequent sessions are $ 50. Learn more here.

50 minutes

Works with:

Individuals, adults

Insurance Covered?

Yes, if your insurance plan includes coverage for services provided by students supervised by Registered Psychotherapists.


If you have any questions about this please contact our office.

Lea Harari

Pursuing Master of Social Work at Yeshiva University, Wurzweiler School of Social Work

As a practicum student, I am here to help you navigate anxiety, self esteem, anger, and negative self talk. I believe that with the proper guidance and atmosphere anyone can thrive despite their challenges. 

Whether you are here to discuss difficult life experiences, get support for stress, anxiety, or mood issues, or to work through strong emotions blocking your ultimate potential, I am here to listen, and empower you to become the best version of yourself in a safe and caring manner. 

My goal is to create a supportive and comfortable environment where one can work to overcome their struggles, while implementing practical coping mechanisms to be equipped for everyday life.


Qualifications & Trainings

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Oriented
    Write Here Clinicians working at our practice primarily operate from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation that places a strong emphasis on helping clients change their relationship to difficult thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Our clinic’s emphasis on cognitive-behavioural approaches means that you can expect the therapy you receive to be practical, logical and intuitive, and provide you with clear skills, strategies, and resources that can be used in your life.
  • Goal-Focused
    Goal-focused therapy lets you specify what you want to get out of therapy, allowing you and your therapist to develop a plan for getting there. Even if your goals for therapy are simply about having someone to talk to about difficult life circumstances or sorting out challenging thoughts and feelings, it is worthwhile for both you and your therapist to be clear on this. Goals also allow therapists to develop a plan that takes into account your resources and budget for therapy, ensuring we work within the financial and schedule limitations we need to. Therapists at our clinic are goal-focused and will help you both set goals, take steps towards helping you meet those goals, and continuously evaluate progress and your satisfaction with the direction of therapy.
  • Person-Centred
    At our practice, our therapists use a person-centered approach that is catered to you and designed around your specific needs, goals, and life context. We do not take a ‘rinse-and-repeat’ or protocol-driven approach to therapy. Rather, based on your goals for counselling, we will co-develop a specific treatment plan with you, drawing on what we know as therapists and what you know as the expert on your own life and history.
  • Evidence-Based
    Psychotherapy approaches that are considered evidence-based have been rigorously evaluated by researchers across many different studies and found to be effective in improving various psychological problems and mental health concerns. Pursuing approaches that are validated by research is an important step to ensuring that you receive a high-quality therapy plan and preventing harm that can sometimes occur when receiving treatments that are not evidence-based.
Are you ready to take the next step?
Let’s Talk.
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